About me

Growing up bilingual with a Spanish mother and Scottish father, it’s no surprise I developed a passion for languages. A graduate of the University of Glasgow and Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, I’ve been translating since 2008 and became a conference interpreter in 2015.

In that time, I’ve clocked up extensive, varied experience with large-scale international projects of all shapes and sizes.


Comprehensive interpreting and translation services

My focus on environmental and social issues led me to interpret at COP26 in Glasgow and COP25 in Madrid, to collaborate with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders, and to work with the Green New Deal Group and a variety of NGOs.

Alongside that, through collaborations with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO Codex Alimentarius, IAMZ-CIHAEM, and La Vía Campesina, I’ve built up considerable expertise in the world of agriculture.

I’m a candidate of the Spanish Association of Conference Interpreters, a professional member of Asetrad, and a Chartered Linguist of the Chartered Institute of Linguists in the UK.

Contact me

Choose a professional with all the right credentials, proven language proficiency and demonstrated experience, and you’ll enjoy the total peace of mind that your project is in competent hands.

Contact me for more information, to request a copy of my detailed CV or to discuss your project.

Get in touch

For more recommendations and details of my education and credentials, connect with me on: